# of divers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Code Name: Ringo

The name's Ringo.

Code name, Firefly

Formerly, the most eccentric government employee.

Friend of Inspector Gadget, Perry Mason, Sam Spade and Lord Peter Wimsey.


Lord Peter Death Bredon Wimsey is a fictional character in a series of detective novels and short stories by Dorothy L. Sayers. 

A delightful old chap, who among practicing Criminology and solving heinous murders as a hobby, collected incunabula.

He quite likely took to eating plates of meat while saying things such as:

"ello Govna!"

"He's lost his marbles and conkers!"

"That's a load of old pony!"

"You old milksop!"

...and such.

Additionally, he is considered an expert on matters of food, and especially wine (the plink and plonk of the era).

a sheep's cheese with eggplant relish?

Reminding me a bit of myself. 


Only currently, I'm a fire-spinning, cheese-loving, piano-playing, single-mothering, keyboard pecking, wine student, who is certified in the discipline of Crime Scene Investigation through August of 2016.

I do believe Lord Peter and I would have got on quite well.

Just one little class left to go until I wrap up my wine program.

Until then, I'll just consider myself a wine detective.

Time to carpe the hell out of this diem.




SparkleFarkel said...

GOD how I love coming here! (Your today's entry is exceptionally BRAVISSIMA!)

Ringo Firefly said...

Thank you, Sparkle! Why I'm all blushy in the face parts now x

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