# of divers


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

China Plate in a Shooting Gallery

Oh, the devil within you
on a day such as this.

With those wild sparks in your eye,
and the fireworks in your heart.

There's a sharp smell of a blaze of change,
and a burning hunger for the sweet embers of opportunity.

There is indeed a bit of flame and smoke about these parts,
and I watch as the fire's kindle slowly turns to glow.

Setting the frostbound heart ablaze

to feel the heat in hearth,
and rise in the wake of a searing sea of flames.

To reign in a time of candied possibility,

and to feel the warmth
of all that is well in the world again.

If the world is cold, make it your business to build fires. 
-Horace Traubel


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