# of divers

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolvable Resolutions and a Comittment to Champagne

The year now is swiftly drawing to a close. As we sit here and chronicle the year's passings and watch as the clock continues to tick life away, we face the emotional undertaking of the coming and going of another year.

I embrace the widespread optimism running at an all time high during this time.

I welcome the much needed time for reflection, and the moments to dream that are free from harm.

The turning of the tide.

In doing so, I have come to realize that I am through with short lived resolutions. In determining how to become the best version of my self, because I believe that I am reaching my capacity to do so with each moving lesson, with each fleeting day, and with each passing year.

So instead, I resolve to drink more Champagne.

I'm committing to drinking more bubbly, yes the giggle juice.

I commit to indulge in its spritzy acidity, its crisp and refreshing fizz.

From the big, juicy fruit rockets demolishing everything in their sugary wake, to the yeasty oxidative varieties. I'm laying the groundwork for a zippy safari of unbridled exploration, with more happy-go-luck than a effervescent pink elephant could ever harness.

...and the instant Bon Vivant to accompany it.

I shall have it in flutes,

in cupcakes, 
in popsicles, 
and over baked pears.

For my wine education, for my taste buds, but above all,

to give myself more reasons to celebrate.

I do hope you'll excuse me as I now strap my taste buds into a harness for the upcoming whatnots where I intend to celebrate ALL THE THINGS.

As the stroke of midnight ushers in the new year, I hope that you too have many reasons to celebrate, many approaching occasions to commemorate, many friends to fawn over, many loved ones to adore.

...and an abundance of reasons to raise your glass to.

2014 is the next chapter of our lives, it's time to write a better story.

Here's to 365 new fair shakes.

Be safe out there and make certain to make it to 2014 unscathed.

Cheers to the new year,
but most of all, to you my friends.

Make certain to leave a lil' sparkled Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb trail behind you in 2014.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wise partridge in a magic pear tree

This lovely old Christmas,
with its ambient glow,
made from starlight and plucked ripe from the skies.

This lovely old tree
dressed in a prism of trimmings,
for the warm and much welcomed winter morning.


Oh, this old trinket,
made adoringly by tiny hands,
to perfectly adorn the holiday sapling.

This old dream,
tucked beneath the glossy sphere of a snowy globe,
longing to crash through and take flight.

These grateful old bones,
filled with sweet dances of joy,
from a lifetime of lessons and love.


I do hope the day waves a magic wand over your world, making everything sweeter, softer and all the more beautiful.

Now go wrap yourself up in loved ones and smiles.

Happy Christmas

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