Wednesday, December 12, 2012

And the winners of the 2012 Taste N' Tinis are...

It's Martini time, my friends!

A giant, monsterhuge thank you to all that entered this Ringo Schwag-away, and again to the kind humans over at McFarlane Promotions!

Make certain to take a peek at their site for some fantastical San Diego events in the queue!

...and now the news you've been waiting for!

Without further adieu, the winners of the Taste N' Tinis tickets (go on, say it 5x fast!) are:

 Jennifer Edwards and Tina Walker
Timestamp: 2012-12-12 19:43:23 UTC 

Each of you and a friend are off to a Tinitastic time tomorrow eve!
I do hope to find you for a taste and a toast!

Tina is a fellow blogger over at, visit her for all your sales & marketing consulting needs!

Warmest Congratulations!

Tickets are available for hand delivery by yours truly.
Stay close to your message box for details!

Again, a great big thank you to all who entered. Your support is immeasurably appreciated!

Be on the lookout for future Ringo schwag-aways!

You're all gold medalwinners in my book!


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