Friday, October 5, 2012

...and the winner of the 2012 San Diego Taste of Downtown Schwag-away is...

A giant, monsterhuge thank you to all that entered this Ringo Schwag-away, and again to the kind humans over at McFarlane Promotions!

Make certain to take a peek at their site for some fantastical San Diego events in the queue!

...and now the news you've been waiting for!

Without further adieu, the winner is:

Kelly Mac
Timestamp: 2012-10-05 19:57:35 UTC 

Kelly is a fellow blogger over at
San Diego Area Beach Homes, have a looksie.
She can help you find your coastal dream home!

Warmest Congratulations!

Tickets are available for hand delivery by yours truly.
Stay close to your message box for details!

Again, a great big thank you to all who entered. Your support is immeasurably appreciated!

Be on the lookout for future Ringo schwag-aways!

You're all gold medalwinners in my book!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Kelly! I sent an email to your Google Profile. Please have a look for further details. Thank you again x
