Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Cheese Olympics

Ever since Tara Lipinski squealed the piercing scream heard round the world after becoming the youngest gold-winning Olympic champion back in 1988,  the very thought of such athletic achievement leaves me a little bit misty in the eye parts.

 I strongly feel that anyone who can't appreciate such dedication and athleticism needs to turn in their pink slip and resign as a human being.

After all, it's not everyday that a human can nail a perfect landing following a triple-salchow, half-loop, triple toe loop de loop, triumph on ice combo.

So what do I do when I'm weep'ish?

Why, eat cheese of course!

After all, it does seem fitting to give cheese much consideration with all the pomp and circumstance taking place in the square mile over across the pond.

And interestingly enough, it has been duly noted that the 2012 Olympic Torch does bear a striking resemblance to a giant cheese grater.

Really, it does.

a close up of said torch

Supposedly, 8000 holes were intricately carved into the torch, one for each torch bearing representative.

Now if you'll kindly allow me, I'd like to proudly present your Olympic Cheese Champions.

Team USA

American cheese has had such a bad reputation, so for all intent and purposes, I shall refer to American cheeses as cheeses made in America.

Yes, those domestic gems produced here, in the land of the free, and home of the brave.

Eden, a delicious brie-style from Brazos Valley Cheeses. It's wrapped in edible fig leaves with a line of ash pierced right through the middle. It proudly seized the title of first place in its category at the 2011 American Cheese Society contest, and is a slam dunk for an Olympian win.

Truly a fine cheese fit for a gold-winning U.S. Gymnast Team, and certain to please a certain athlete with a mere twenty-two Olympic medals already draped across his neck.

Team Australia

Meredith Dairy, Ashed Pyramids

A soft and creamy, goaty with a distinctive fresh flavor. Its traditional ash coating protects the surface and gives it its attractive appearance. The Pyramid is a real looker on a cheese board when accompanied with fruit pastes.

It's also perfectly suited for a champagne celebration fit for all those Australian girls who swam out of their skins in a brilliant performance.

Team Denmark 

Danish Blue cheese,  also known as Danablu, is a strong, creamy-rich, blue-veined treatsicle, and a World Cheese Champion.

  flickr StuartWebster

Marbled with a delicate, crumbly texture that's just screaming for a drizzle of honey atop. I'm certain it had something to do with the win for the Danish Rowing Team.

Team China

 China has cheese? Why yes, indeed!

Artisan cheese maker, Mr. Liu Yang, of Le Fromager de Pekin, located in Hui Long Guan district of Beijing, is responsible for the creation of China's first Camembert, Beijing Grey.

Seeing that most of the country is lactose intolerant, it took a cheese champion like Mr. Yang's to introduce his fine cheese to China residents, and in my opinion is thereby a hands down winner.

Here is the Beijing Grey with a dusting of black pepper

...and here it is steeped in olive oil.

It's enough to power up those Chinese weightlifting champs.

Five gold medals for China is not bad.
Not bad, at all.

Team Germany 

Montagnolo Affine is a German gourmet cheese with award winning quality.

Crowned the Supreme Champion at he 2012 International Cheese Awards, this cheese boasts a mature, creamy taste coveted by Germans on all accounts.

Could it have been the very reason those well-fed, noble steeds helped Germany take the lead in the Team Equestrian Eventing Competition?

Perhaps it played a role in those fencers seizing the gold in Foil Fencing?

Did you even know there was such a category?

Team Italy 

You'd be hard pressed not to find a cheese you like from the region of Italy, but far be it for me to point that out, despite just having done so.

Might I recommend the BellaVitano Gold?

Rich and creamy, sweet and crumbly, with a nutty flavor. It starts like a Parmesan, and ends with just a touch of butter.

A well celebrated, award-winning style worthy of a gold medal, and perfect fuel for Italian Archers in the London parts of the world.

If none of these cheeses get your palette stirred up, then I suggest you give the British staples a go.

White Cheshire
Shropshire Blue
Red Dragon
Cornish Brie
West Country Farmhouse Cheddar
Sage Derby
Stinking Bishop
Double Gloucester

Oh, I could take up the entire internet with such lists!

I don't know about you, but I for one, am ready to fully participate in the cheese floor exercises.

Whatever your choice, make certain you celebrate all that embodies the Olympics, be it the tragedy or triumph, the international camaraderie, athleticism and fellowship at its finest.

And damn good International cheeses.

Cheers to our Olympic Champions!


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