Monday, July 30, 2012

This is Euphoria

The weekend brought with it much magic and enchantment. After months of planning, the day of the Euphoria Dining event that a handful of us hosted, finally fell upon us.

A mid-size gathering of 109 bold and beautiful souls took to the new and refreshing, sold out dining event that the city has been hungering for.

The fundraiser event benefitting Lean and Green Kids, was held at Tony D'Aula's oasis in the desert, known as The Fire Garden. Tucked away in the foothills of Bonsall, California, just on the far perimeter of San Diego County lies this magical oasis. 

For those of you don't know, Tony is a fine metal artist and is the man behind a wide range of unique works through his company, Fire Garden Metalworks

He was also recently discharged from a hospitalization, yet managed to stay the course and champion through the greater part of the evening as he believed the show must go on.

The Fire Garden is an earthy, spiritual locale nestled amongst lush landscaping, and it serves as a place to escape from the mundane.

It was a certainly a uniquely, brilliant locale perfectly suited for entertaining and striking attendees with a magnitude of beauty.

 Photo Credit: Dean Huston

Photo Credit: Dean Huston

Guests were drawn from varied pockets of life including colorful beauties out by the abandoned piano park area,

and exotic lovelies who gathered beside the ambient glow of the fire tables.

Throughout the Fire Garden premises you'll find more of these gorgeous fire sculptures hand crafted by Tony. 

These artworks have been repurposed with antique brass pieces, plumbed with copper lines and mounted onto steel framework.

 The fire sculptures are propane powered, and add a certain degree of hypnotizing ambience.

the elegance from a fire chandelier

the warm glow of a fire screen

It was the dining fare however, that did much of the show stealing. 

Chef Evan Rumble, who was integral to the launch of the Black Label Table, San Diego's underground supperclub, carefully hand selected the finest of earthly ingredients to create a menu showcasing the most nutrient dense, plant powered ingredients known to man.

Longevity soup with a goddess salad

Just to give you an idea, one of the courses was made possible only after a maddening witch hunt for one exclusive ingredient that was finally unearthed after weeding through six Asian specialty food stores in the San Diego region! 

The excursion made for the makings of a full-flavored, soup medley consisting of grapeseed oil, shallots, shiitake mushroom, onions, burdock root, dandelion root, lyceum berries, fo-ti, fresh ginger root, ginseng root, ginko tincture, miso paste, buddha palm, fresh basil, summer flower, 

and of course, heaps of love.

Charmed Life Entertainment and DJ Frances from the Coachella circuit, were present to sizzle and dazzle Euphoria's guests, and that they did.

Photo Credit: Dean Huston

 Photo Credit: Dean Huston

Photo Credit: Dean Huston

 Photo Credit: Dean Huston

 Photo Credit: Dean Huston

 Photo Credit: Dean Huston

Chef Evan with Euphoria diner Lotty (who had the best hair, hands down!)

I'd say a colossal congratulations is in order here!

I'm really looking forward to passing through to the other side of the dining and performing art world here in San Diego now that the floodgates of Euphoria have been unleashed. 

I'm beyond pleased with how the event went. 
I'm also beamy and happyfaced now that's it's all said and done.

I hope you don't mind that I'm all twitterpated and floaty at the moment over here on my little champagne soaked cloud.


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