Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rock'n & Rose'n

I've returned from the Rock'n, the Rose'n, the to'ing and fro'ing, the left and the right'ing, the day and the night'ing. 

The 9th annual Rock and Rose was indeed the spectaculous Bay Area party of the year, so saucy, with high vibrations, and ripping at the seams with ridiculously talented and beautiful people. 

As a houseguest of the party host Ethan, and hostess Luciana, I had the privilege of tuning into the behind the scenes action.

 Photo Credit: Michael Angelo Mannheimer

 Photo Credit: Rachel Simon

It's truly a labor of love created by dedicated friendfolks who faithfully check in to help set up the sounds, sights, and the otherwise delicious spectacle set to take place in the backyard of a lovely little neighborhood home in the city of San Rafael, California.  

It takes a lot of preparation and planning to ensure that everything comes out smelling Rock & Rosey come showtime.

Ethan and Luciana are artists, and there isn't a square foot of their home that isn't peppered with lively decor, collected crafts, and artistic touches of creativity.

Here, you'll find the quirky odds and ends that tell the Ethan and Lucy story.

Including Luciana's unusually charming collection of rubber duckys. Note the Ozzy Osbourne and James Brown versions here.

Unbeknownst to most Rock & Rose attendees, the celebrated affair commences with a ritualistic egg ceremony to ensure the fête is protected from the precarious weather of the northern region.

All hail to the mighty Egg Shaman of weather forecasting!

A wall mural, hand painted by local artists, frames the grand gathering.

 Photo Credit: Rachel Simon

...and the band(s) begin to play *insert bouncy Yellow Submarine brass band melody*

Jon Keigwin Band - Photo Credit: Rachel Simon

The Bay Area's local talent are carefully hand-selected by Ethan and Luciana.

An occasion for Acacia Photo Credit: Sarah Madsen

Mary Jones' Lights - Photo Credit: Rachel Simon

Chrome JohnsonPhoto Credit: Erin King

Soul Pie - Photo Credit: Nicole Ryan

Proud Mom & Pop to be -  Photo Credit: Rachel Simon

We were even gifted with the last live performance of local musicians, Bitch Franklin, and if I may rightly add, what a champion that vocalist Sierra is at an impressive 37 weeks pregnant! 

I've a feeling that little one is going to come into this world singing praises of having landed into such a talented family. 

the four kegs went dry by 4pm, the troops rallied and a beer run was expedited.

With such a grand assemblage of folks, there are standard principles of behavior to abide by, so appropriate signage is posted accordingly throughout the premises. 

I'm especially fond of the bathroom signs

The sign on my guest room, which is actually Sam's bedroom, Luciana's nearly eleven year old son (who I'm a huge personal fan of).

The night concludes with a spectacular fire performance which I was lucky to be a part of this year.
Here's an image of me and a couple of the lovely Solstice Fire Dancers shaking our shimmies. 

 Photo Credit: Michael Angelo Mannheimer

Come late eve, the last ones standing gather round a fire and take to the sprawled floormats to enjoy the soothing sounds of acoustic guitars, as we melt into a living cuddle puddle of beautiful humans.

 Time to decompress from the weekend's events now. Still basking in the wonder of seeing old friends, meeting new ones, creating beautiful memories, and all the goodness that a really good gathering can bring.

What more can I say?
The Rock & Rose rocks.


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