Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Teatime for the dear friends

uncork your mind and set sail 
to the pathless land of imagination

begin with a grin and a spin
let out those tucked away wings
soar high above your burdensome woes
greet crowned kings
dance with the pixies
swarm with the shapeshifters 
rest with the gillygalloos
run honey wild in the wake of a golden daffodil path
greet the lappy shores of unclouded waters
swim with the seahorses
make melodies with the mermaids
befriend a western dragon
ride the wings of change
feast with the new friends

you mustn't forget to bring a delicious tea

a dreamy day, a starry night
 to slumberland with an ear to ear grin

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun. 
~George Scialabba


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