Monday, December 26, 2011

Twas the day after Christmas

Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house,
 living rooms had subsided and now hushed as a mouse.
the children were beaming with their sparkly knick-knacks,
the adults were hungover and now could relax.

The queues formed from Walmart's glass, swinging front doors,
for huge clearance sales and take-backs in scores.
The detox and diets now stepped forth to commence,
the credit card tabs soon to soar from expense.

The planning and plotting had come to fruition,
while holiday lights slipped back into remission.
The house was a bit to somewhat back in order,
with trash bags that heaved from a bit less disorder.

Tasty leftovers were tucked away for the taking,
while ovens took much needed rest from mass baking.
Airports burst from the seams due to much holiday travel.
trees dried out and wept, no more gifts to unravel

Now Visa! Now Mastercard! American Express!
that paid for the gifting and holiday dress

'Tis the season for plastic, which we shan't soon forget,
as we welcome the new year, and celebrate debt.

And me in my new obi sash belt and hat,
 sighed a breathy relief, the end of gift tit for tat.

Still uncomfortably full from the kitchen now shunned,
I'll take a rest now, as my work here is done.

Well, maybe just one,

last quick trick for the play...

a little lord stormtrooper asleep in the hay.

Ah, yes...
That will do nicely.

Hope everybody was as spoiled as a two year old, only child, with eight sets of grandparents.


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