Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Melting Pot - The Post Holiday Schwag-away

It's that special time of year again boys and girls. 

Another Schwag-away! 
Thanks to the folks at The Melting Pot of downtown San Diego, you now have the opportunity to seize a piece of plastic with your grubby litttle hands.

but it's not just any polyurethane!

This scrapbit of common plastic yields a $25 gift certificate with a bonus $25 gift certificate.
For those of us well versed in addition, that's 50 bones towards a dinner at The Melting Pot of San Diego Gaslamp.

Stir things up in the new year?

You've ho ho ho'ed your way through the giftyness, 
now it's time to reward yourself.

Fondue onto others as thou would due unto themselves.

Gift certificates are available for purchase here


you can win one here on this babblesite for absolute nothingness.

Yes genties and ladlemen, that means zero, zip, nada, zilch, nil, diddly-squat!


1).  Follow this blog by clicking on the "Join this site" icon in the lower left sidebar of this blog.

Alternatively, you can click on the 'Follow' link on the far left side of the (nearly black, charcoal?) navigation bar located at the very top of this blogsite.

If you're already following, a hundred-thousand thank yous! Just follow the next step to enter.

2). Leave a comment describing a New Year's resolution (it doesn't even have to be yours!).

That's all folks! 

A few muy importante details:

Prize is limited to those in the San Diego region as it is indeed a hard gift certificate ready for hand delivery.

Winner will be automatically generated via

Contest begins now and ends on January 1, 2012 at 5:00pm

Winner will be notified here on the eve of January 1, 2012.

good luck, lucky!

Valid at the downtown Gaslamp San Diego location only



  1. My New Year's resolution is to talk less and listen more.

  2. My resolutions for the new year are: To be fearless. To cherish those that I take for granted. To be kinder to myself in general.

    Happy New Year, Ringo.
    You're amazing.


  3. I have so many New Year Resolution; it would make your head spin.

    A few are: 10 day juice fast, followed by a raw diet till the end of January. Then follow a vegan diet for the rest of the year.

    Yoga 3 times a week, cardio 3 times a week,

    Take cooking classes.

    Happy New Year!

  4. My resolution is to be more patient and loving to my spouse!!!

  5. I've always wanted to try the Melting Pot! This would be the perfect opportunity. My wedding anniversary is on Jan 3rd!

    Right now my resolution is to take an art class this year. I've been wanting to paint for a while and think a class would help me get the ball rolling!

    Thanks for the great giveaway and Happy New Year!

    katygmorris at gmail dot com

  6. I guess my comment didn't post before .... but My New Year's resolution is to get things back on track ... which ever track it chooses....

  7. You must give an option to subscribe at least at 2 places and one of them must be at a place where your post finishes. Regards your keyword.  thanks.
