Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Funday and Weekend Whatnots

Happy Sunday eve planetbeings!

I do hope the coming and going of the weekend was kind to each of you. Weekend here was spent 
well with the family fleshums, and attending baby shower #4 of July. Lots of babies around these parts. I hope it's not contagious.

Theme included a beautiful sea themed spread for a special lil' lobster baby on the way. 


Saturday evening'isms included much love and nabbing a hotseat to a spicy little dining event to support the merging of two up and coming local San Diego businesses.

The magic and beautymakers from Plant Powered Living and the Black Label Table have united their flair for good eats and a mesmerizing array of talent to create a revolutionary, gourmet vegan dining experience mixed with eclectic entertainment.

It's somewhat of a dinner show, only far more intimate with heaps of more love and life.

chefs evan rumble and adrian huth of the blt masterminding the kitchen operation.
photo by ian lang

featuring San Diego's very own, ocean-sourced water, Solar Rain

entertainment provided by The Shimmy Sisters, Charmed Life EntertainmentKrista Richards Ian Lang and Danyavaad.

Stay tuned for the write up from the Delect-A-Bliss of another kind dining experience.

Sunday was reserved for tending to the garden, or what I now refer to as Operation Golden Gate Bridge as it's always a work in progress, somewhat of a science project, and truly a labor of love. 

not nearly as treacherous!
by unknown photographer


Wrapped it up by chasing birds with my nephling down the Embarcadero Marina at the Seaport Village, and a goodbye hoopdance to the sun dipping into the evening sea.

I hope you're all well-rested, and ready to face the new week with your head up high and a smiley about your face.

Heaps of lubb and cream puff happies to you!


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