Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Funday and Weekend Whatnots

Happy Sunday eve planetbeings!

I do hope the coming and going of the weekend was kind to each of you. Weekend here was spent 
well with the family fleshums, and attending baby shower #4 of July. Lots of babies around these parts. I hope it's not contagious.

Theme included a beautiful sea themed spread for a special lil' lobster baby on the way. 


Saturday evening'isms included much love and nabbing a hotseat to a spicy little dining event to support the merging of two up and coming local San Diego businesses.

The magic and beautymakers from Plant Powered Living and the Black Label Table have united their flair for good eats and a mesmerizing array of talent to create a revolutionary, gourmet vegan dining experience mixed with eclectic entertainment.

It's somewhat of a dinner show, only far more intimate with heaps of more love and life.

chefs evan rumble and adrian huth of the blt masterminding the kitchen operation.
photo by ian lang

featuring San Diego's very own, ocean-sourced water, Solar Rain

entertainment provided by The Shimmy Sisters, Charmed Life EntertainmentKrista Richards Ian Lang and Danyavaad.

Stay tuned for the write up from the Delect-A-Bliss of another kind dining experience.

Sunday was reserved for tending to the garden, or what I now refer to as Operation Golden Gate Bridge as it's always a work in progress, somewhat of a science project, and truly a labor of love. 

not nearly as treacherous!
by unknown photographer


Wrapped it up by chasing birds with my nephling down the Embarcadero Marina at the Seaport Village, and a goodbye hoopdance to the sun dipping into the evening sea.

I hope you're all well-rested, and ready to face the new week with your head up high and a smiley about your face.

Heaps of lubb and cream puff happies to you!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Child

Checking in and reporting for duty, happy workday/heyday to all!

Don't try to squeeze it all in today.

Only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Ins and Outs of In-n-Out Burger: a ground round for the bun, or not

Love them or loathe them, while the rest of the fast food industry teeter-totters at a snails pace in the idle economic traffic, the stretched conga line of cars forging through the In-N-Out drive-through continues to showcase the burger chain's success.

Everything you ever needed to know (and never needed to know) about the secret menu at In-N-Out.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fruit faces for a Happy Monday

A beautiful Monday to all on the friendfarm.

Don't forget to eat your smiling fruit today


Sunday, July 24, 2011

How to have a lovely day

1). go outside

2). send warm smiles to strangers

3). slow down

4). say please and thank you

5). give heaps of compliments

6). look and feel your very best

7). observe, listen, and learn

8). be charming

9). laugh

10). wish others a lovely day


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ribbit ribbits

I ask myself whether frogs are so furtive,

or do they sneeze as they please?

Whether they whisper to each other in swamps about illegitimate frogs,

or the joys of amphibious living?

- Pablo Neruda

                                                haha nu

Hippity hoppity Saturday love


Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The House of Ringo

It's been a labor of love and chops have been busted to create this happy beach castle for my little family.

I take great pride in our habitat and unique finds from treasure hunting over the years. Enough that I wish to share a few snappyshots with you (and the entire Google-browsing universe).

Additionally, it is clean at the moment.

My son and I live a fairly modest life, so I trust we won't be featured in any upcoming episodes of MTV's Cribs anytime soon. Besides, I wouldn't have the heart to kick people out once the cameras stopped rolling.

The antiqued little WWII U.S. jetfighter phone

its propeller parts also serve as a rotary dial

The musicbox area also doubles as a teenage boy's playstation cabinet. Hunting for antiques that can accommodate and conceal guitar hero accessories was no simple feat.

Count on Circus Dan, the house ringmaster to welcome you home when the long day is done. Not with a hug though. As you can see he's armless, but his ear-to-ear smile more than makes up for his lack of limbs.

The royal Ringo book nook

A wondery and cornery part of the lilypad


...and this is where the music happens.

You must believe in impossible things

Indonesian cabinet and ringomade peacock featherworks

The greatest show on earth lampshade custom from France

the jazz ledge

Plenty of room for more music, art, wedding, and birth announcements on the icebox

Jonah and the Stand By Me Crew mock me incessantly for having trapped this glittery bird beneath a vintage cheese platter on the kitchen island. In my own defense, it's a fake.

as is this delicious-looking, flimflam cupcake

Spinning flowers make paper towels fun to seize as needed

The hallway is about as long as it is wide.

Can you spot the miniature wooden, hand-carved, african giraffe?

Sea-shelly star-hallway-fish

Part of the original wooden fence from the front house salvaged by Jonah

It's a Jonah and mom moustachio thing

The shut eye sanctuary. This picure was taken at 3:49

...and finally, the Ringo garden.
A work in progress, but that's not exclusive to this garden.

Thanks for joining me in the walkabout tour of the living quarters.

Have a bright and sunshiny rest of the week my trusty sidekicks.
