Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jacketcoat and frock farewell - until we meet again

Despite taking residence in a rather delightfully-weathered habitat, I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit of a sissy la-la when it comes to cold temperatures. This being my secondary reason for taking permanent residence in Southern California, falling shortly beneath being just a hop, skip and small jumpspring to my beloved bloodties.

I can accept that I may very well be the sole human around this consistently warm region who sleeps with winter fleece sheets and an electric blanket come June.

Being a temperature wimp has led to my unusual penchant for coats. With Summer now just a stone's throw away, I have taken to some closet switcharooing.

With misty eyes, I now bid my winter coats adieu.

Farewell 1960's aqua peacock leather trenchcoat...

until our next party, double breasted, wool Olga coat...

Au revoir, Yellow Submarine peacoat cozykeeper...

arrivaderci, to my (I believe it to be wool) sweatercoat...

 So long winter white, military, Captain's Jacket...

Adios, my trusty black and white bomber jacket...

Last, but not least, a farewell salute to my red stripedy british 'be all that I can be' redcoat...

...and to my summer shrugs, boleros, capelets
shawls, cravats, sheer scarves and scarflettes. 

I welcome you.

Although, I may hang on to my fleece sheets for a wee bit longer.

I part now with a few coat quotes for you.

Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails.
Clarence Darrow

I thought I would dress in baggy pants, big shoes, a cane and a derby hat. everything a contradiction: the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small and the shoes large.
Charlie Chaplin

An aged man is but a paltry thing, a tattered coat upon a stick, unless soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing for every tatter in its mortal dress.
William Butler Yeats

The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition.

Wear the old coat and buy the new book.
Austin Phelps

Happy June, no gloom allowed!


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