Friday, August 23, 2013

A Brazilian Cheese and Samba Shindig

The Queso Diegans were at it again, this time they learned a thing or two about all things Brazil (especially the cheese parts).

Members gathered at City Farmer's Nursery for a shake and a samba keeping up with our 2013 Around The World theme featuring Brazilian cheeses this month.

Our honorary resident Livia, presented us with a top notch presentation of some very exotic unpronounceables:

Queijo Minas
Requeijão Cremosos

Beverages of the Brazilian sort stood out amongst our traditional meads, brews, and wine.

Guarana, a Brazilian soda reared its fizzy head along with the imported Brazilian beers.

...and Caipirinhas, the national cocktail, were made using lime, cane sugar, and cachaça, a sugar cane based rum.

Members soaked up the Brazil regions, its culture, and its beloved cheese making practices, as our resident Queso Diegan gave us an engaging presentation, complete with a samba demo.

 Yes, our presenter took to the floor with a sassy swing in her step alongside our professional performing artist, Robby for a lively, hip and shimmy-shaking showdown.

 As it turns out, dancing the samba can elevate the mood, and if anyone knows the power of atmosphere, it's those lovely Brazilians.

Just when we thought we couldn't squee any more, we were treated to traditional cheesy bread rolls deliriously executed with a thickened dulce de leche. Oh, sweet mother of diabetes, these little scrumpets are made for devouring!

Another tasty tale for the cheese books.

A colossal thank you to Livia for making this evening all sorts of awesome.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Happy Hop-Hoppity IPA Day!

Here ye, here ye!
Calling all hopheads!!!

IPA Day is back ladies and gents, for one day only!
I tell no lies.

Are you ready to enjoy a chilled pint of the goodstuff?
The IPA goodstuff that is.
The beer with attitude.

 Photo by David Jensen

Yes, this gives you free reign to enjoy the wide range of the IPA's, the IIPA's:

The citrusy, the malty, the bitter, and the much enjoyed flavors of fresh lawn clippings.

Make certain to enjoy a chilled India Pale Ale today to pay your respects to the original brew exporters, those nice fellers who busted their chops to get their fine product across the pond to India.

It would be a shame to dishonor them, so toast your mates and drink up the hopstuff my friends!

You damn well deserve it!

Cheese tip:

You'll need a strong, meaty cheese to stand up to the bite of a hopped IPA.

Try a strong, washed rind such as Epoisses, a milk-creamy, bacon bomb.

or a real stinker, like a Swiss, washed rind, cow's milk, Scharfe Maxx (Maxx for Maximum, Scharfe for Sharp),

or the highly decorated Rogue River Blue, a champion cheese, and a little slice of blue heaven, wrapped in brandy-soaked, Chestnut leaves.

Beer and cheese are sure to please.
You just can't go wrong,
the two are all sorts of awesome.

So raise your glass to celebrate all that is craft beer today.

Is there nothing hoppier, nor happier?

Happy Hoppy!
